Justice and Peace
The members of the Justice and Peace Group in the parish believe passionately that you will never have justice without peace and there can be no peace without justice. We meet once a month to discuss matters in the news that relate to both justice and peace and to pray for their resolution.
In practical terms one way in which we try to help is through our Sunday cake project. For the ten years up to 2010, this raised the sum of £23,950 which we sent to the Good Shepherd Sisters in southern Ethiopia to support their literacy project - a project that reached out to people who would otherwise have had no basic education, some of whom were then able to go on to more advanced education and qualifications. In addition, in 2007, following a special Advent appeal in the Church, we were able to pay for a new water tank for the sisters. Sadly the project came to an end when the sisters left Ethiopia in 2010 but their premises have been taken over by another order who have good projects of their own. However, the cakes, the tea and the coffee are still available after Masses on Sundays and in the past two years we have been able to send £3,400 to CAFOD for work in the Horn of Africa.
Now a new project is beginning - this time in Burkina Faso, one of the poorest countries in the world. Once again this involves the Good Shepherd Sisters - and specifically our good friend Sister Carmelita, formerly of Ethiopia, to whom we have just sent £1,000 to assist in her income support projects there. We hope to be able to give regular news on progress with this work via the Newsletter.
In our monthly meetings, we also receive news both from CAFOD and from Amnesty. CAFOD are currently involved with other charities in a big food campaign and are also working with refugees from the Syrian conflict. The cost of feeding them in astronomical and they need your support.
One of our members is also a member of Amnesty and brings us regular news from them and details of prisoners of conscience. Copies of current cases are distributed at the meeting for us to write letters of concern on their behalf.
Over the past 13 years we have been involved in many other projects, such as the Krobo project in Ghana and the Peace-One-Day movement. There are so many needs in the world and we would ask you to pray that justice and peace may reach more people to make the world a better place.
If you are interested in finding out more, please speak to one of the Justice and Peace committee at one of our cake sales on Sundays after 10am Mass.